

We have implemented a monitoring program of native fauna and flora within Las Yungas (forest) region and the areas surrounding sugarcane and citrus plantations. It consists on research made with satellite images and biodiversity samples in the field. We closely monitor the footsteps of the fauna of the region through heat-sensible cameras installed to identify the broad animal presence in the area.

The information obtained by means of said process is analyzed together with experts and technicians from Fundación ProYungas (Foundation), the National Scientific and Technical Research Council in Argentina (CONICET) and the University of Jujuy in Argentina.



Thanks to that permanent monitoring, we have detected the need to build access and exit ramps in our irrigation channels for animals that are near the Pedemontana jungle. During this year we have built thirty ramps. The cameras have recorded numerous photographs of animals using the ramps as troughs and as a safe way of entering and getting out of the channels.


Moreover, we have started drafting a plan to manage Private Reserve “Sauzalito”. This reserve has a very important environmental function, since it connects the Calilegua National Park with the central area of Yungas in Ledesma. The purpose of this plan is to increase monitoring and controlling activities in the area.




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