
Sugar is an essential element of feeding. It is easily digestible by the body, which transforms it into glucose, the basic source of energy.

Ledesma was created as a sugar company and is currently the main producer of sugar in Argentina (17% of the total production.) Ledesma´s “Ingenio” (which is the Spanish word for sugarcane mills) receives approximately 4 million tons of cane per year, which is milled to extract the sucrose inside the juice and to produce sugar.

We devote 35% of our production to mass consumption, 40% to industries and 25% to exports. Our main customers are bottling companies, producers of dairy products and baked food, packaged food and confectionary.


Sugar is an important source of energy and balance for human beings growth and development. It is easily digestible by the body, which transforms it into glucose, the basic source of energy which keeps people alive and allows for human development. Sugar is also necessary to have a healthy and balanced diet, together with other carbo hydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber.


Our Research and Development Institute is called “Chacra Experimental Agrícola Santa Rosa” and is located in the province of Salta. The Institute conducts sugarcane-related agricultural research. Advances in biotechnology allow us to develop new varieties based on research in molecular biology, genetics and applied biochemistry.

Our Research and Development area includes 9 (nine) trial fields where new varieties are evaluated and assessed and where best practices for the preservation of soil, fertilization and plague and disease control are tested.


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