Paper and Copybooks

As a market leader, Ledesma produces almost 130.000 tons of paper a year – about 40% of domestic production.

Ledesma has been producing sugarcane paper for more than 50 years, therefore becoming a highly integrated company and one of few companies in the world producing high quality sugarcane fiber paper. We are proud to say that Ledesma’s paper is a sustainable product, since this crop is renewed every 12 months.

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With the aim of offering the market a product in line with worldwide trends focused on environmental protection, we have launched “Ledesma Nat”. This newly-designed paper ream oers customers a fully sustainable product including 100% sugar cane based sheets, 0% tree fiber and 0% bleaching chemicals.

Since seeking continuous growth is one of Ledesma´s priority, we have launched a program which aim is to achieve a substantial enhancement on production quality and growth. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in Villa Mercedes, province of San Luis, is destined to the production of copybooks, school spares and stationery, which adds value to paper production.

Within the Paper Business we devote an important part of our stock to Castinver, an integral supplier to the graphic industry which is a part of Ledesma Group and works with our main member firms within the paper industry.


After milling the cane fiber at the sugar manufacturing plant, we process it in our cellulose manufacturing plant. This pulp is transformed into a sheet of paper in the paper machine. The paper is later transformed into printing paper for magazines, copybooks and school spares. Our Paper Products have been certified and meet the requirements set forth by worldwide standards of the graphic and writing industries around the world, added to their excellent performance.


We have achieved “PRODUCTO YUNGAS – FCA (Alternative Cellulose Fibers)” Certification for all our Paper Products. This certification is issued by ¬Fundación Proyungas; it is audited by IRAM and it certifies Ledesma’s paper production is made from non-wood cellulose fibers, therefore protecting the environment in every step of the productive process.

CERTIFICATION IMAGE displayed in our Products


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