Community Engagement Ledesma development goes hand in hand with neighboring communities’ growth and they are all part of a big family.
Papa Francisco (Pope) neighborhood, built by Ledesma.

The main purpose of Ledesma Corporate Social Responsibility is to contribute in the development of the province of Jujuy, mainly in its surrounding area, which comprises communities living close to the agro-industrial complex. Our main approach focuses on the Libertador General San Martín, Calilegua, Caimancito, El Piquete, Vinalito and El Talar cities and towns.

  • 1.

    To foster employment and improve employability, especially for young people.

  • 2.

    To improve education, mainly contributing to enhance technical education in the province of Jujuy.

  • 3.

    To strengthen community members interaction among themselves by providing support to social programs, initiatives and local organizations.

  • 4.

    To promote sports and cultural activities, by supporting Clubs, like Club Atlético Ledesma (CAL) and Club Centers, like Complejo Deportivo El Talar, and by offering sports and recreational activities for people of all ages.

In order to fulfill these strategic goals, in Ledesma we have created a Community Relations Office formed by a team of more than forty persons whose mission is to develop spaces for meetings, discussion and joint work. These spaces provide specific channels to the community and they are currently functioning as follows: seven Innovation and Technology Centers, one Visitors Center and two Clubs called: Atlético Ledesma and El Talar. We work in collaboration with state-owned organizations, NGOs and other companies.

In our microsite “Ledesma Dialoga” (Talk with Ledesma) you will find more information about each of these initiatives (in Spanish):



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