Alcohol and Bioethanol
Ledesma manufacturing plant in the province of Jujuy.

We extract sugar and molasses from sugarcane juice to produce ethylic alcohol and bioethanol.

The alcohol obtained by sugar fermentation is a basic input for the liquor and spirit drinks industry. It is also sold to laboratories that manufacture perfumes and to the chemical industry. Ledesma’s alcohol high quality enables our clients to export part of their production to the most demanding markets such as the American, Japanese and European markets.

Alcohol is also the raw material for bioethanol production, which is a renewable fuel that is being increasingly included in the country´s gasoline types or naphtha, and which has an outstanding role in domestic electricity supply, since it allows for the saving of foreign currencies, considering it substitutes oil imports.

Ledesma produces and sells bioethanol to the refineries through “Bio Ledesma S.A.”, a company specially created to trade this product since 2010. Its market share has been growing year-to- year until it became the second producer of sugarcane-based bioethanol in the country, with a market portion of approximately 8%.